Tuesday, May 1, 2007

You are cordially invited to…

My Grad School Commencement Group Ride:

Description: I am graduationg from O.U. with my Master’s Degree this Saturday at 9:00 at the outdoor Meadowbrook Theatre. What better way to prepare for Cone Azalia than to conduct an easy pace group ride out to my commencement. Yes, I will be graduating with lycra on under my cap and gown. It would be an honor for my velo-buddies to escort me to this momentous occasion.

If you are interested…
Where/When: 5/5/07 Meet at the Einstein Bagels at 16 and Crooks at 7:00am. We'll eat and roll out around 7:15.

Also, all friends and family are invited to join me a Bastone in Royal Oak around 12:30pm for some food, drinks, and good times.

If you have any questions, email me at timfinkel@hotmail.com

1 comment:

msfzx said...

Congrats Tim!! Nice job finishing strong in a long grueling race.