Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Dybo Memoirs #2: More Food

Long before Ray ever had two beautiful children and a loving supportive wife, he was just a guy with a bike and a dream.

Take a walk with me as we travel way back to when it all started.

Did I ever tell you about the time I met Melissa’s parents for the first time? I had just finished racing what was called “The Big Mack Attack”, which was a 160-mile team time trial to the Mackinac Bridge. The race started and I tell you what, we were freaking flying man. When we hit the first hill, a choir of beeps started sounding frantically. It was the sounds of everyone’s heart rate monitors blowing up! I told everyone to freaking chuck those HRMs to the side of the road, because we were going to freaking fly no matter how elevated our heart rates were!

After the race I was beat and drove straight to Melissa’s parents to meet them for the first time and have dinner. I was freaking starving man. They were serving corned beef and cabbage and I just recently started eating meat after coming off a long-term vegetarian stint. Dinner was served and I tell you what, at the time it tasted better than anything I had ever eaten before…niiiice. I was so hungry from the race that I just kept shoveling as much as I could into my mouth without much conversation. Everyone at the table was finished eating and dessert was served, but I just kept eating seconds, thirds, and fourths. When everyone finished dessert, they cleaned up the table and kitchen except for my area. I just sat there and ate and ate more and more corned beef and cabbage. After awhile, everyone sat down in the living room to relax, but I just stayed at the table eating and eating.

I’m not sure what Melissa’s parents first impression of me was, but I tell you what…that corned beef and cabbage was the best freaking meal I ever ate!

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