Sunday, March 15, 2009

Unsung Heroes

There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.-M. SCOTT PECK

I just want to extend my gratitude to all those who have expressed their sympathies, came to the visitation, gave me an encouraging phone call or card, or helped contribute to my family.

There is nothing one can say or do to change our loss. However, there is something to be said about the strength that I am able to find when surrounded by such great support.

Thank you all.

The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am one of your brother's camping friends from Immanuel. Melinda sent out this link and here I sit crying all over again. I'm so sorry for your loss. I just have to say, I sent out an email to my friends telling why my life has seemed to stop and I quoted the same 2 things about Don that you did - what you said about if you told Don his days were numbered how he would do nothing different, and how the funeral guy said it appears a legend has died. It was weird how we both wrote the same thing! Your brother was awesome! We really love Melinda and the boys. I did not meet you, but I thought what you said at the funeral was amazing. How you got through it, I do not know, but I'm so glad you did as your love for your brother was inspiring. Thank you for doing that and for the role you will now play in Melinda and the boys' lives. Lisa Davis