Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tour of Frankenmuth

I don’t have too much to say about this race that was held on the Dolpinators native soil. This was not much of a notable event on my calendar, more or less one of the races just to do to maintain the race engine.

However, I would like to note one thing in particular. In the past, I have always associated Rite Aid as a warm therapeutic, pharmaceutical outlet where I would venture to cure any physical ailments I had. However, after the second lap yesterday when the Rite Aid Pro Cycling Team decided we were all going to suffer, I have lost my warm associative feeling. I now link the Rite Aid logo to pain, suffering and agony. It’s funny how the human brain works, on my drive home yesterday I drove by a Rite Aid establishment and my legs started cramping just seeing the logo!

Anyway, the WSC still managed to make a presence in a sea of high caliber teams in town for TDL. Danny, poised in great position as usual, was able to finish 7th in an agonizing breakaway effort and Luke Cavender snagged the field sprint for 12th (the last money position). I rolled in on a non-noteworthy 25th place tired and defeated.

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