Monday, April 23, 2007

This week's recipient of the "Who Cares, I'm Flying" Award

Meet Kelly her ride everyone chase her win in a solo breakaway in the A2 women's field on Sunday. Congratulations Kelly! I think you are officially reaching “stud” status…that’s a good place to be! Keep it up, way to make the WSC squad look good! I am proud to announce that you are this week’s “Who Cares, I’m Flying” award.

Sunday A2 “A” Group Race Report in a nutshell: Blistering pace from the get go. Headwind on two of the three stretches. Lots of attacks…lots of attacks…lots of attacks…and a few more attacks. Josh Taurrent and some other unknown fast guy (rumored to be from Britian) get away and stick it until the end. Josh took first and the unknown Brit took second. Nice ride Josh, you get the second “Who Cares, I’m Flying” Award this week.

Overall, no significant results for the WSC “A” or “B” squad. However, next weekend is another race and a whole new slate. You know what they say, “Racing never gets any easier…just faster”. Keep your heads up.


sworksredace said...

tim where can U find the results of the A2 series?

Timothy Finkelstein said... I think

alexdolpp said...

Kelly - Congratulations. Hope you read this!