Thursday, August 9, 2007

I need your help!

Attention all readers! I have a very difficult decision to make and I value any feedback you are willing to offer.

My Dilemma: Should I race the National Crit Championships in Downer’s Grove next weekend?

OR should I participate in one of the most prestigious and historical kickball tournament known to man?

On one hand, the chance at a National Title makes my velo senses very aroused!

On the other, the kickball tournament is being held in Port Hope, MI. Port Hope is a very small town that my father grew up in and where retirement has recently relocated my parents. The town is so small that if you blink while driving through it, you may miss it. Primarily, all of the Finkel origins can be traced back to this little town with a big welcome.

A National title could last a lifetime.

However, becoming a kickball champion on the soil where my roots were grown would be stupendous.

I need your help readers, any feedback is appreciated. Please leave some suggestive comments.


Unknown said...

go balls deep!!

The Bonsall's said...

i vote for the kickball tourn because Bri and i have a babysitter all weekend and it would be, like you said, stupendous, to party with you and angela all weekend:):)

JBrandt said...

Never, Tim, I repeat, never turn your back on family origins. The roots run deeper than the transitory euphoria any two-wheeled machine may bring. Take out your flux capacitor and visit the future after you participate in the kickball tournament. After your victory and proving family allegiance, there will be parades in your honor, plaques bearing the grand Finkel namesake will be placed throughout Port Hope. "Tim Finkel Dined Here", "Tim Finkel Purchased Socks at this Walgreens", "Tim Finkel Stopped at This Light on the Way to the Tournament", "The Finkel Family Portrait was Taken Here".
To honor Finkel Family Values, a day will be given in your honor. No one will work while everyone will remember the Finkel family name.
Now get back in the DeLorean, return to present and kick that ball for all of Port Hope, but more importantly for the Finkels that have been, those that are and those that will be.

Timothy Finkelstein said...

I think you are underestimating how very small Port Hope is...there is NO Walgreen's, NO Traffic Light, and nowhere to even purchase socks! However, thanks for painting such a vivid picture of what WILL come of my participation in this tournament.

JBrandt said...

Are you riding in the Rock City crit? If so, I'll drop in to see the race.

Doug said...
