Thursday, September 13, 2007

Indecisive Regrets???

The Tour de Leelanau has by far been my favorite event Michigan has to offer for the past two years. After finding out that the event was becoming a stop on the USA Cycling ProTour for 2007, I was a bit skeptical whether or not I was ever going to be able to race the event again. I spent most of the season assuming I would be watching from the sidelines. However, after receiving an invite just weeks before the event, I somewhat reluctantly accepted. Just days after my acceptance (and $90 for a UCI upgrade later), I was informed that it was the same day as my High School ten-year reunion. This was a day I always looked forward to. I very much valued my education at Lutheran High School North and feel it was an integral part in shaping the person I have become today. Don't get me wrong, I am not some dude trying to relive his glory days of when he could throw a football a 1/4 mile. However, I had made many lasting bonds that although I may not frequently associate with, still have many roots with that run deep.

So do I regret my decision to race Leelanau? I will let you know on Monday.


sworksredace said...

Timmy I really wanted to make my 10 year HS reunion. Unfortunately back then I still hung around with about 4 guys that I graduated with and they thought it would be "gay" to go so I reluctantly didn't. I have to say that I regret not going to this day. There are people that you may never see again and even if it is for only one night. You should go but that is only my opinion. TC

Immanuel Mel Ott Coordinator said...

Back in '82...I could throw a pigskin a 1/4 mile. Do you know anything about time travel? You could race this weekend, then travel back in time to your reunion!

Uncle Rico

Immanuel Mel Ott Coordinator said...

Go to your reunion! Wouldn't it be great to rekindle your feelings Summer Wheatly again?

Napoleon Dynamite

JBrandt said...

I find myself in the middle of a conflict of interest.

Hmmmmm, as a teacher at your old high school, part of me says come on back.

As a cycling brethren, despite the difference in our speed, ability, and VO2 Max, part of me says Hold Your Line!

As one who did attend his 10 year reunion, a part of me says I didn't care that I hadn't seen Keith Forrester since high school graduation. I didn't care that I saw him at the reunion and I don't care that I haven't seen him since. I chatted up some old times with people I was in consistent contact with, so seeing them wasn't overly special.

Despite what The Commish said about Summer Wheatly, I remember your class and I don't recall anyone resembling Summer Wheatly. In fact, reflecting on your days at LHN, I believe the Napoleons in the Mustang Corral dominated the culture. If you decide to return, you will need to pull the face-brace headgear out of the back of your underwear drawer and strap it back on. It may take courage to descend the Traverse City blacktop as it rolls through picturesque vineyards, but you'll need to muster even more mustard if you sport the facial roll bar.

"...I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost