With a personal propensity to hide from time trials like a dog with his tail between his legs, and a lack of TT bike, I decided that my involvement in the 2008 Willow TT would be best suited as a volunteer from the sideline.
I must say the race atmosphere takes on a much different shape when the anxieties and pressures of racing are extinct. As I balanced snapping photos, cheering on my teammates, and informing outsiders trying to get in the park that there are people in spandex trying to go as fast as they can on their bikes today so stay off the road, I stepped back and thought: this sport is crazy, absurd, arguably pointless at times, and I love and live for it.
The WSC all star of the day was without a doubt Mr. Scotty Fabijanski. Up until a few weeks ago, Scotty has never stepped onto the podium in his career…he has twice in the past few weeks. Scotty was able to set clear, concise, and reasonably attainable goals this year and he has so far been knocking them down like Tyson in his hay day. Most importantly, Scotty’s well-justified confidence is becoming evident.
In addition to Scotty, there was also another stellar WSC performance at Willow. Skylar Kroske was able to push her dads old bones in the mixed tandem category for an impressive finish.
As a result, this weeks W.C.I.F. Award is a two-way tie between Skylar and Scotty Fab. So lets all raise our water bottles to these two; they’re flying!
mad props to the kroskes and fab!!!!
So, if you did race, you would have done, what, 29:50?
Sky says, "Thanks for the WCIF award." She's still giggling about the picture with my tongue out and the "old bones" comment.
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