I’ve happily been an avid user of eBay for several years now. I primarily sell my previous season’s equipment and other random outdoor gear that still holds residual value. When it comes to niche market items, nothing beats it.
However, when it comes to just selling junk, one should never underestimate the power of a garage sale! No ad fees, no taxes, no shipping, and straight up cold hard cash!
Yesterday, I held my first ever garage sale. Armed with an EZ up tent courtesy of Kroske Industries, some $.99 garage sale signs, post-it notes, and a sharpie, I had covered my overhead costs ($4.23) and was ready to go.
I primarily sold furniture that I had inherited in the purchase of my house. From that, I was able to earn $152!
As the money burnt a hole in my pocket like an eight year with a brand new magnified glass and some innocent ants, I ran off to Best Buy as soon as I closed shop to purchase a very much necessary appliance for the “Stein Theatre” (that’s what I decided to call my theatre). Yes, thanks to my entrepreneurial endeavor, patrons of the Stein Theatre can enjoy ice-cold beverages without even getting up from their seat and walking to the lobby!
Did you sell the Futon?
NO! I got a new cover for it and it is the main seating area in the Stein Theatre
whens the Jenna party, the theater looks hot!
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