Wednesday, October 10, 2007

“Who Cares? I’m Flying” Award

Driven by the age-old heartbreak and devastation of the opposite sex, Alex single handedly conquered all 500+ miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway last week in an impressive 5 days.

We all self-medicate. Some people turn to drugs in times of inner turmoil, others turn to drinking, some clean there house obsessively…we cyclist ride stupid amounts of miles. Cadence is a “cure all” for pain. With every turn of the crank, every climb, and every elevated heartbeat, the anxieties, confusions, frustrations, and feelings of loss melt away. I can empathize.

Alex is an exemplary representation of the “Who Cares? I’m Flying” mentality and this should not go unnoticed!

Lets all raise our favorite mix tapes that remind us of past relationships, boxes of memories, old cards and notes, napkins that an old significant jotted something thoughtful and clever on, dried out flowers, etc. to Alex…you are this month’s recipient of the W.C.I.F.A.!

Check out his blog: for the detailed report of his trip.


sworksredace said...

Timmy and U used to give me shit about my cannondale

TheBrothersChase said...

this picture makes me laugh everytime

alexdolpp said...

Me too!

Timothy Finkelstein said...

I don't even need to look at the picture...I laugh just thinking about it, I'm laughing right now. Then, when I do look at the picture I laugh even harder! I think I will probably make it a point to re-post this pic every so often for comic relief.


i dont know about laughing at the pic, we kinda want to punch dolp. somethin about it angers us.

alexdolpp said...

Woa - what did I do wrong???

(and it is dolpp - the double p makes the difference...)

Timothy Finkelstein said...

How could anyone have negative feelings towards Alex? He is a gentle soul who just likes to ride his bike, suck down beers, and laugh. Are you just anti-German or anti-Alex?

Timothy Finkelstein said...

Anyone who is not a friend of Alex, is not a friend of mine!


tim...dont get us wrong it has NOTHING to do with alex. My favorite people are named alex, and German, heck, were so german were near nazi's...its just that smilin mug of his, that grin that or grimace..if our mother gave us that look we would do the same, but probably go for the belly, But we would also give her a big hug right after the hIT, PLEASE DONT HOLD IT AGAINST US..TIM F .........your leading the poll for Tms er of the year. we love you, and Dolp we love you. to just not the grin!!!


dolp were sorry if we offended you in any way, its just that grin.....