Monday, January 21, 2008

Sympathy from Motorists

It seems that even after several seasons of braving the cold on my two-wheeled apparatus, I NEVER get tired of the peculiar looks I get when I roll out on a day when the wind chill is in the single digits.

If any of you have ridden in this weather, you know the look…at first people stare in confusion as if you were a space alien riding the Easter Bunny...but the look quickly turns to assumption as if to come to the realization that I must have been busted for drunk driving one too many times and was mandated to lowering myself to this primitive method of transportation. People often seem to be very perplexed at the thought that someone would voluntarily ride in this weather…I still sometimes perplex myself at the thought. There was even one instance a few years back, when an older lady rolled the window down in her car and asked if I wanted a ride home.

All in all I have to admit, the looks do provide as motivation.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Funny thing about CO. No one gives you those looks b/c it is so common.