Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another Chapter in the Dybo Memoirs: The Colorado State Corona Slamming Champion

Well it seems that according to the doctor I have a severe sinus infection and have been relocated to the bed for the next few days. Being sick very much coincides with my personality and I am in a bit of personal hell right now. Enough about me, what better way to lift the spirits than a new Dybo memoir.

As a bike racer and as a father Ray has held many titles throughout his tenure. After reading the donut’s most recent post, I was inspired to share this tale of honor, prestige, and accomplishment. Kick back and enjoy as we open another chapter in all things Dybo.

Did I ever tell about the time I was crowned the Colorado State Corona Slamming Champion? Man I tell you what; it was when I was working at the Olympic Development Center in Colorado. A fellow named Chris Charmical (you may of heard of him) was one of my fellow coaches there. As a side note, him and I were always batting our freaking heads…lets just say we didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. On a few occasions I had slammed the door to his office and screamed at him at the top of my lungs.

Anyway, we were sitting in a bar one night enjoying a few beers when Chris looked over at me and said, “Ray, do you know that I am the Colorado State Corona Slamming Champion?” At word of that, it was freaking on. I replied to Chris, “Oh really, you are about to lose that title tonight”, and I signaled for another round. As the countdown began I sat with my Corona in front of me starring Chris in the eye. Showered with screams from other patrons of “go, Go, GO, GOOO”, I picked up that freaking Corona and had it slammed before Chris was even halfway done with his. I then slammed the empty bottle on the table and claimed myself the new Colorado State Corona Slamming Champion!

It is worth noting that no documented evidence of a new Colorado State Corona Slamming Champion has been presented since that day. So as it stands, Ray is still the champion!


sworksredace said...

So there it is....Let it be known that in addition to owning the title of the Colorado State Corona Slamming Champion big Raymond also holds the Michigan State title for Bell's slamming...I can't wait another 2 weeks....

sworksredace said...

Timmy you also could have posted separated at birth Tupac Dybowski!!!

Darrell Anderson said...

That's it...I am officially addicted to the "Dybo Memoirs". Keep them coming. I am thinking about photoshop-ing that Tupac style Dybo pic in inverse video and putting it on a T-shirt. Kinda like a Che Guevara sort of thing. Awesome post that rivaled only by the lesson on suffering by radish.

Chris Aten said...

Great writing man. Darrell keeps talking about the "Dybo Memoirs," I had to check them out. I don't know if you remember, but I met you one Tuesday morning at the track about a month ago. Anyways, keep up the good work!