Sunday, July 20, 2008

Superweek Day 3 and 4

Day 3:
Sometimes the hardest decision to make in bike racing is knowing when to throw in the towel. I’m not one to follow horoscopes too much but recently my horoscope read: Be sure to finish the quest you have started. However, do not feel you have to complete every single part of it. Try to segment your tasks and give them your all.

I felt pretty sore yesterday after my misfortunate rendezvous with the asphalt. Greg Christian had told me on Friday that if I was going to take a day off, the Wakausha Crit was the one. The course contained eight turns and was no place for anyone but the heads of state. After taking one look at the course and heeding the advice of Greg, I decided not to race. While I watched notable Michigan racers such as Derek Witte, Zach McBride, Chris Uberti, Nathan Williams, and Ben Renkema get blasted off the back within the first 15 laps, I knew I made the right decision.

Day 4:
Alan and I hooked up on Friday after the Ripon Crit with good friends and Michigan natives Kelly P. and Jay Moncel (new International Territory Manager of the Trek Bicycle Cooperation). The two recently relocated to the hip and picturesque town of Madison.

Before going to bed on Saturday night, Alan and I conceded that spending a day with Jay and Kelly riding around Madison sounded much more appealing than driving two and a half hours to Evanston.

We spent Sunday rolling a physically and mentally therapeutic ride through the beautiful rolling hills of Madison.
Tomorrow is Holy Hill, my wounds are healing and I have high hopes for a good finish…report to follow.

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