Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Community Loss

As I’ve gotten older I have come to realize that one is only as good as his fellow community. My main attraction to the sport of cycling is the sense of community it embodies. I could put all the racing aside, team affiliations, the latest and greatest technological innovations, egos, etc…when it all comes down to it, it is the camaraderie I get from riding with people who share my same passion that fuels my continued involvement in the sport. In essence, the sport and those involved have become a second family to me.

Last week, our community suffered a great loss in the passing of Patrick Robb’s brother Scott. I had never actually met or rode with Scott, but have heard many stories of his legacy and his talent on the bike. I know that in this time of mourning for Patrick and the rest of the cycling community that knew Scott, we can take comfort and solace in the fact that as a group we lift each other up and support each other.

The next time you turn the cranks over, do it in remembrance of Scott.

1 comment:


Tim , The robb family is in our thoughts, what happened?