Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Quotes to beat the Dog Days of Summer:

The vibe around the scene lately is that many riders are struggling with motivation as we tie up this 2007 season.
Allow me to provide you with some inspirational quotes from the unarguably BEST movie EVER made!

“You're willing to sacrifice a solid future for a bicycle race. It's very self-destructive.”

“The only thing I'm good at is riding this bike. Now I have the chance to be the best, maybe the best in the world. I can take those S.A.T.'s anytime, maybe in six months. But this is the only chance I'll ever have at this. I started out as one in a thousand. Now I'm one in twenty. Now to give that up, I think that would be very self-destructive.”

“Hey Cru, just pretend your in the lumber yard, go balls out!”

“Here is Taylor stopping. He wants Cru Jones one on one.”

“You think your brothers so good, he’s nothing next to Bart Taylor!”

“Oh my heart, A BACKFLIP!”

“The way you ride that bike it's like it's natural it took me six months to learn how to airwalk it only took you one afternoon.”

“Alright dudes, let’s walk this sucker”

“The porch! I've told ya a million times the porch!”

“Get this, the paperboy thinks he’s a pro”

“You know, you're letting your body turn your head. You see if you let your head lead your body will follow naturally.”

“It's going to take a radical miracle to beat this guy...”

1 comment:

TheBrothersChase said...

i enjoyed those bodiacous quotes you have there....check out this sweet new blog i started insipired by those great wolverine blogs.